Hollywood resident launches lifestyle brand catering to those in recovery from addiction

Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops featuring spiritually stylish shirts & sobriety gifts

At face value, Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops could easily be mistaken as the name of a little girls’ clothing or toy store.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops was created to fill a void in the market for a lifestyle retail brand catering to those in recovery (from addiction). 

Featuring spiritually stylish shirts and clever sobriety gifts/novelties speaking the language and reflecting principles of recovery, Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops will go live with its online boutique in February 2015.

In addition to its online shopping site, Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops also celebrated a physical launch at the Rockers In Recovery Free Music Festival (www.rockersinrecovery.org/events/rir-music-festival/) at C.B. Smith Park in Pembroke Pines.

Founder & Creative Director Meredith A. Brown explains that Pink Clouds & Hula Hoops was inspired by do good, feel good brands such as Life is good. ®

“It’s not just merchandise; it’s a movement to raise awareness that the hushed archaic stigma of being ‘In Recovery’ is passé; rather it is a proud & positive phenomenon about second chances & silver linings.

“That is why our mantra is ROL! (Recover Out Loud),” said Brown, a Hollywood resident. “The real dream is to see this concept become mainstream!”

For more information, visit www.recoveroutloud.com or call 1-844-PNK-HOOP.





Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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