Hollywood resident named finalist for the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business


Hollywood resident Rachel Sapoznik, Founder, CEO & President of Sapoznik Insurance, based in North Miami Beach, was named a finalist for the Stevie® Awards for Women in Business, in the Female Entrepreneur of the Year — Business Services — 11 to 2,500 Employees — All Other Industries, category. The Stevie Awards for Women in Business are the world’s premier business awards for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees and the companies they run.

Finalists were selected  by the average scores of more than 170 professionals worldwide serving on five specialized judging committees. The results — Gold, Silver and Bronze winners — will be announced at the Stevies’ 14th annual awards dinner on Nov. 17 in New York City.

“Every year we say that the current crop of Stevies for Women nominations couldn’t be better, and the next year we’re proven wrong,” said Michael Gallagher, founder and president of the Stevie Awards.  “The judges’ scores and comments bear witness to the fact that this year we will honor a truly remarkable class of women and women-led organizations in New York on November 17.”

Sapoznik Insurance is currently the largest employee benefits agency, as well as one of the largest independently owned agencies, in the South Florida region. She is an expert on healthcare reform, corporate wellness, and entrepreneurship, and has been featured in several national and local mediums. She stands out as a passionate voice emphasizing the value and necessity of education and wellness in helping manage costs for the employer while improving the lives of their employees.

“I am incredibly honored to be named a finalist for the Stevie Awards for Women in Business, especially as we celebrate our 30th anniversary,” said Sapoznik. “Thirty years ago, I took a huge leap and founded Sapoznik Insurance from my home. Today, we help companies around the country make health a priority without the fear of offering health insurance they cannot afford. We support companies making the paradigm shift from ‘sick care’ to ‘well care,’ and empower employees to achieve physical and financial well-being while strengthening companies’ bottom lines.”

Details about the Stevie Awards for Women in Business and the list of Finalists in all categories are available at www.StevieAwards.com/Women.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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