Hollywood residents encouraged to weigh in on use of federal funds in FY 2017-2018

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The Community Development Advisory Board (CDAB) is holding a public hearing 6:30 p.m. Jan. 11 at City Hall, Room 215, to seek citizen input regarding Fiscal Year 2017-18 funding needs.

Residents can voice their opinions at the hearing regarding community and economic development priorities, needs, and specific objectives proposed to be addressed with federal funds expected to be available during FY 2017-18. The Community Development Division encourages all interested agencies, groups and individuals to attend.

“In past years, the community has provided input regarding the use of funding for a multitude of needs including, but not limited to, promoting neighborhood revitalization and education, creating economic development partnerships with private entities, supporting homeless prevention and other social service programs,” said Clay Milan, Community Development Division Manager. “Comments from the community are welcomed and encouraged.”

The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), is a flexible program that provides communities with resources to address a range of unique community development needs. The City of Hollywood uses federal funding for a multitude of programs, including housing rehabilitation, disaster mitigation and special projects, as well as funding public service agencies that provide critical services for Hollywood residents.

Local non-profit agencies have received funding to support services such as rental subsidy assistance, case management, wrap-around services, including job readiness training and employment referrals, budgeting and decision-making skills, case-specific life-skills training and purchase of work equipment (tools, footwear, uniforms). Additionally, vocational tuition, textbooks and supplies, exam fees and recertification for courses including home health aide, certified nursing assistant, welding, culinary arts, business administration and others. Free after-school tutoring in reading, math and science, in-school tutoring and mentoring, childcare scholarships and other services have also been funded.

Agencies interested in submitting an application for funding can find information on the City’s website at www.hollywoodfl.org under the Grants section of Community Development. The grant application will be available online February 1, 2017.

Written comments regarding priority needs can be submitted to the Community Development Division at 2600 Hollywood Blvd., Room 203, Hollywood, FL 33020 or via electronic mail to dbiederman@hollywoodfl.org on or before January 11. Records and information related to the City’s Consolidated Plan, including the City’s use of assistance under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds and Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) programs during the preceding five years, are available to the public on the City’s website at under the Department of Development Services, Community Development Division.

Anyone with disabilities who requires reasonable accommodation to participate in City programs and/or services may call the Office of the City Manager five business days in advance at 954-921.3201 (voice). If an individual is hearing or speech impaired, call 1-800-955-8770.

For more information, call the Community Development Division at 954-921-3271.


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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