Members of the Hollywood Rotary Club, the Hollywood Commission, the Community Enhancement Collaboration (CEC) and community leaders came together to celebrate the donation of a truck to the CEC.
The Hollywood Rotary Club donated $23,000 to purchase a commercial truck with a heavy-duty lift gate and provide it to the CEC.
“I am happy to have this truck. I have been wanting a truck for five years,” said Nadine McCrea, president and founder of the CEC. She has worked tirelessly to provide food and other items to families and individuals in need.
“We are doing the works and this truck will be a big access to picking up donated goods, year-round. These items include food, meat, clothes, books, toys, diapers, turkeys, small appliances, school supplies, furniture, personal hygiene products, and more,” said McCrea.
Broward County Commissioner Beam Furr participated in the dedication “This truck is important to the community and will help the CEC fulfill its mission,” he said.
Hollywood Mayor Josh Levy said he was glad the CEC would now have this truck.
For over 5 years, Nadine McCrea, founder/president of Community Enhancement Collaboration had been expressing a need for a truck with a lift gate. She was very pleased by the Rotary Club’s donation. As resource were drained, one of the most requested items from the organization stayed consistent, storage space and a box truck with a lift gate.

When Hollywood Rotary Club, President Ira Glick heard about this need, the club immediately offered to help and donated $23,000 to purchases a commercial truck with a heavy-duty lift gate. McCrea was able to get the truck far less to help pay for the insurance, tax, registration costs and gas for a month.
During the dedication event, Glick said he was glad the Rotary Club was able to provide the CEC with the truck that it needed.
In addition to distributing food and clothing to needy individuals, the CEC provides youth and family counseling, poverty relief, a bicycle initiative and computer education. The CEC has an open food pantry three times a week and has been working to provide families and the elderly with job training and groceries during a time of need. It is an entirely volunteer organization.