Hollywood's 5th annual Veterans Barbecue set for Nov. 11 at T.Y. Park

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The City of Hollywood and Mayor Peter Bober will host the 5th Annual Veterans Barbecue on Wednesday, November 11 at TY Park, Corporate Pavilion #12 from noon to 4:00 p.m. This barbecue will honor men and women who are now serving or have served in the United States Armed Forces. Mayor Peter Bober will be working the grill and members of the Hollywood Commission will work with volunteers to serve a free barbecue lunch to local veterans, service members and their families.

The menu will include barbecue chicken, hamburgers, baked beans, coleslaw, corn on the cob, cookies, brownies and beverages. And Jaxson’s Ice Cream will be providing complementary scoops of ice cream.

Mayor Bober first proposed plans for an annual barbecue to honor veterans in 2011. Later that year over the Veterans Day weekend, Hollywood hosted its first Veterans Barbecue. “I wanted to do something to make veterans and military personnel in our City feel truly special over the Veterans Day weekend,” said Bober. “I’d always see lines of people waiting to get into local parks on Veterans Day and that’s when I decided it’s not that there are too many barbecues on Veterans Day, it’s that there aren’t enough barbecues that specifically celebrate veterans. We’ve changed that in Hollywood and each year the event gets bigger and better.”

The Hollywood Veterans Barbecue will feature music by DiXoN, and a banner plane fly-over with a message of thanks to Veterans and a wall of honor. This year, in honor of the City’s 90th anniversary a traveling photo wall of Historic Hollywood will be on display with images dating back to WWII.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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