Hollywood teachers recognized for grants


A group of Hollywood teachers were honored during a recent meeting for their work with students and their goals for the upcoming school year.

The Hollywood Education Advisory Committee and the Broward Education Foundation recognized teachers who received education grants from the City of Hollywood and the Broward Education Foundation.

South Broward High School Principal Olayemi Awofadeju was proud of the three teachers from her school who each received a grant for $1,200.

“These are very good teachers,” Awofadeju said. “Two of the grants are for science and one is for aquaculture.”

Lauren Kilmer Ferreira, who teaches elementary school science at Hollywood Academy of Arts and Science, received a $1,200 grant for her Gardens on the Go project. “We are developing gardens on carts and this grant will help us,” she said.

Hollywood teachers were recognized for the grants they received from the City of
Hollywood and the Broward Education Foundation.

Eileen Santiago, who teaches Exceptional Student Education (ESE) at McArthur High School, received a grant for her work with the Top Chef program. She is working with other teachers to incorporate food and nutrition into their classes and is pleased that her program received support and recognition.

One of the teachers honored, Linda Gancitano is from Driftwood Middle School and is a Green Team Coordinator. With students Kayla Bello and Samantha Singer, they developed a project known as Trash on Your Back that encourages students to reduce food waste.

Joanne Ewart, a preschool teacher at Sheridan Hills Elementary School, won a grant for $1,200 to develop three gardens of vegetables, herbs and other plants. “I am looking forward to using this grant for my garden,” Ewart said.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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