Hollywood to Ban ‘Dockless’ Electric Scooters

Hollywood to ban ‘dockless’ electric scooters

Hollywood Commissioners are concerned about the possibility that dockless electronic scooters could cause injuries to residents and visitors to the city, citing a rise in accidents in Ft. Lauderdale where the scooters have become popular.

During a recent meeting, the commissioners agreed to ban the electric scooters from city sidewalks and rights of way. The final vote will take place in March.

The Florida Legislature is considering legislation that would prevent cities from regulating electric scooters.

Commissioner Kevin Biederman voted against the ban. He believes it goes too far. He also said it might not be possible to enforce it.

Commissioner Caryl Shuham said, “We want to be proactive about the ban to prevent scooter accidents and make sure local rules are in place.”

Vice Mayor Traci Callari said she wants to make sure that city streets are safe. She expressed concern that tourists might get hurt by the electric scooters and never return to Hollywood. Callari said the scooters could result in injuries for both riders and pedestrians.


Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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