City of Hollywood's Veterans BBQ has been rescheduled to Veterans Day, Tues., Nov. 11

PLEASE NOTE DATE CHANGE for Barbecue for Hollywood Veterans and Military Personnel

The City of Hollywood Veterans Barbecue has been rescheduled to Veterans Day, Tuesday, November 11, due to the inclement weather forecast for Sunday. All Hollywood veterans, active duty military personnel and their families are invited to attend.

This 4th annual celebration of Hollywood veterans, active duty military personnel and their families will take place on Veterans Day from noon to 4:00 p.m. in Topeekeegee Yugnee (TY) Park, Pavilion 12, located at 3300 North Park Road.

Each year, Mayor Peter Bober works the grill and members of the Hollywood City Commission join with volunteers to serve a free barbecue lunch to local veterans, service members and their families. It’s a traditional barbecue celebration with the menu featuring barbecue chicken, hamburgers, baked beans, coleslaw, corn, cookies and brownies, and an assortment of beverages. Jaxson’s Ice Cream has participated in the barbecue each year providing complimentary scoops of its world famous ice cream.

There will be activities for children to enjoy, a banner plane flyover, live musical performances, a wall of honor for all military personnel and veterans to display pictures from their service, and a special recognition ceremony.

Mayor Bober first put forth plans for an annual barbecue to honor local veterans in 2011 and the celebration has grown every year since then. Advance reservations are appreciated, but not required. The pavilion accommodates up to 500 guests. Park entrance is free for veterans, active service members and their families attending the event.

Please call the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Arts-Special Events at 954.921.3404 for more information or to reserve attendance.



Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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