Hollywood’s Annual Hurricane Readiness Exercise is Planned for June 24

A presentation on hurricane preparation was prepared for the Hollywood Commission by Jamie Hernandez, the Emergency Management Coordinator, to provide an update on the City’s of Hollywood state of hurricane and emergency readiness.

The City has a new GIS software system that tracks threats and provides real-time status updates. It produces a citywide vulnerability assessment that analyzes sea level rise, vulnerable residents, and other hazards.

Last November, a Family Assistance Center exercise tested readiness for a mass casualty incident. Furthermore, on June 24 the annual citywide hurricane exercise will take place. The exercise will utilize building code post-storm damage assessment teams to identify infrastructure concerns.

The City has also acquired three new debris removal contractors. City crews may collect hurricane debris from private gated communities under penalty of noncompliance.

Registration for vulnerable populations is encouraged. Police will conduct welfare checks at all ALFs and nursing homes. Fire rescue will report noncompliance to the AHCA for enforcement action. There will be dialogue with Broward County regarding hurricane sheltering. Hurricane prep discussions will also be conducted with residents and businesses.



Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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