Holy Heroes Batman, It’s a Run for the Kids!

Be a Superhero at the 5th Annual Kakes 4 Kids 5k at Hollywood Beach this Saturday Morning!
Kakes 4 Kids is a non-profit organization that celebrates the birthdays of over 300 foster and underprivileged children in South Florida.  This Saturday, December 9, 2017, the 100 percent volunteer-based organization will sponsor their 5th ANNUAL “BE A HERO, RUN FOR A KID” 5K and invite everyone to don their best superhero duds and walk or run the beautiful oceanfront 5K route on Hollywood Beach.  Registration begins at 6:30 am at Charnow Park, 300 Connecticut Street and the race begins at 7:30.  Afterwards, join the celebration as the crowd picks the best superhero costume and enjoys kids’ activities and free snacks.  There will also be a raffle with a grand prize of a 7 – night cruise for two on Royal Caribbean.  Every dollar raised during this event will be used to celebrate the lives of children who might otherwise go without a cake or present on their birthday.
The MC for the event will be Univision’s Sandra Peebles.
 Kakes 4 Kids believes the lives of foster and underprivileged children need to be celebrated. They need to know their importance in order to build their self-esteem. This is why volunteers bring more than 400 kids a birthday celebration, complete with food, entertainment and a personalized cake and gift for every child.
To register for the race or for more information about Kakes 4 Kids, visit www.kakes4kidsflorida.org.
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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