Hollywood reviews public parking options

The City of Hollywood recently held a workshop to discuss public parking.

A new development, now in use, is Parkmobile Pay-by-Phone parking. Residents pay no transaction fee to use Parkmobile, while nonresidents pay the standard .35 fee.  The latest contract has a revenue-sharing that gives the City about $1,000 per month.

The City received new signage and decals for all parking areas, at a reduced cost, to replace faded signage and alleviate confusion with the company’s Canada version of its pay-by-phone system, and with the same name.  Parkmobile has also integrated with the City’s meter system to provide the resident beach parking rate.

Hollywood parking officials want to maintain the existing Downtown parking limit to encourage turnover of prime parking spaces, and discourage employee and long-term parkers from utilizing spaces. The City also wants to provide metered parking in the downtown area for $1.25 per hour with a three-hour limit.

One goal is to continue garage parking at the lower rate of $1 per hour and to initiate a “grace period” for citations. The City would also like to create new directional and way finding signage, in order to direct customers to garage parking; additional employee parking and increased shuttle service, if needed; and provide additional long-term options in lower-demand areas. Officials want to develop parking strategies that better utilize the City’s existing parking supply to accommodate current and future parking needs; and to review the possibility of additional downtown garage if occupancy trends significantly upward in existing facilities.

Hollywood’s parking officials stress there is no such thing as ‘free’ parking. The cost involved in  developing and maintaining parking spaces, in addition to enforcing proper use to ensure consistent traffic flow, must come from somewhere. Much of it could come from Hollywood visitors’,  residents’ and homeowners’ taxes.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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