City Commission green lights major projects

Hollywood welcome sign

The Hollywood Commission recently met to decide on a number of major city-wide projects. Here are the ones that got commissioners’ stamp of approval:

City leaders started off by approving a contract between GPE Engineering and General Contractor Corp and the City of Hollywood, for construction services related to the Water Main Replacement Program, in the amount of $1,364,129. This is part of the City-Wide Water Main Replacement program.

The City Commission gave a thumbs up for engineering services to begin on the Water Main Replacement Program from Taft Street to Sheridan Street, and from North 26th Avenue to North 28th Avenue.

Next, the Commission agreed to a work order between Brown and Caldwell and the City of Hollywood, to provide professional engineering services for the Water Main Replacement Program from Taft Street to Sheridan Street, and from North 26th Avenue to North 28th Avenue, for an amount not to exceed $213,459.

The City also accepted a Highway Maintenance Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Hollywood and the Florida Department of Transportation for the construction of sidewalks and bike lanes in Hollywood Gardens West.

Finally, the City Commission accepted an agreement between Washington Park Child Care Center, Inc. and the City of Hollywood to provide Community Development Block Grant Funding, for repairs and renovation of the Sue Gunzburger-Washington Park Child Care Center, in an amount not to exceed $145,000.

This is the most recent list of Hollywood’s Capital Improvement Projects:

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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