City of Hollywood getting a brand makeover

Logo with city of fl

Hollywood is a welcoming, vibrant and sustainable destination city.

This message is part of a new brand program being adopted by the City. Wilesmith Advertising/Design presented the message and new logo to commissioners and community members at a recent meeting.

Wilesmith described the purpose of branding and rebranding: “A brand is a pledge of satisfaction and quality, a positive and consistent experience. Customers always have choices. Any brand in its truest sense never reaches a destination. A successful brand is dynamic and to its core must seek perfection, knowing its an unattainable goal.”

Wilesmith explained that they conducted a study with several focus groups to determine a more desirable brand logo for the city of Hollywood.

Three logos were given final consideration. It was determined that Hollywood with a sea turtle in the first letter ‘o’ of Hollywood or above the name Hollywood was the best logo. The words “See Life”  will also be part of the brand, added under Hollywood starting at the ‘y.’

The new brand and logo will likely be placed on the City Hall building, parking garage, city vehicles, signs and pins worn by City of Hollywood personnel.

The next steps include working with the CRA to ensure consistent and coordinated economic marketing, to determine an advertising budget for economic development and then implementing the new branding program.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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