Hollywood Commission passes RAC

During a recent meeting, the Hollywood Commission passed on final reading an ordinance to amend the zoning and land development regulations to create a Regional Activity Center. The goal is to put the framework in place to attract more positive development to the City.

RACs aim to encourage attractive and functional mixed living as well as working, shopping, education and recreational activities in areas of regional importance.

The RAC in Hollywood, which is generally located east of I-95 and west of 17th Avenue, will be a high-intensity, high-density, multi-use area designed for growth. Leaders hope the area will fuel mixed-use development, encourage mass transit, reduce the need for cars in the downtown area, create understandable regulations to promote quality development and give more definition to the area included in the RAC.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in social media marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Social Media Management from the University of Florida and a Social Media Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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