Hollywood Jaycees to take 75 local kids back-to-school shopping Aug. 4

The Hollywood Jaycees and volunteers from the community will be helping to assist the children selected for this years Back to School Shopping Spree.

Each child will be given a $100 gift card, and along with a chaperone, will be able to purchase much needed school supplies or clothing. The shopping spree will be held Saturday, August 4th, 2018 at the K-mart (3800 Oakwood Blvd.) located in Oakwood Plaza. Volunteers and students are asked to be there no later than 6:45 a.m. We start at 7 a.m. sharp… the store opens at 8 a.m. to the public. No parents allowed in store until after 8 a.m.

“The goal of the Greater Hollywood Jaycees community fund raising projects was to raise enough funds to help secure school supplies and clothing for local students who would not otherwise have the needed resources for the 2018-2019 school year” said Shekar Reddy of the Gummakonda Reddy Foundation, who has been the Presenting Sponsor for the past 8 years.

If you are interested in sponsoring a child or volunteering day of please visit our website www.hollywoodfljaycees.com. If you would like to make a donation this can be done via PayPal, or mail your tax deductible check to the Hollywood Jaycees Foundation, 2930 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood, Florida 33020

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The Greater Hollywood Junior Chamber of Commerce, also known as the “Jaycees,” is an organization of individuals, ages 18 through 40, whose focus is on charitable involvement, social activities, developing leadership skills, and creating business opportunities.

For more information of how to become involved in the Jaycee organization, visit our website at www.hollywoodfljaycees.com  or you may contact the Jaycee Hall at (954) 981-4378 or e-mail the Executive Director, Debra Gronvold at debjaycee@gmail.com

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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