Latinos in Action Club Members at Hollywood Hills High School Help Hispanic Students Adapt

Promoting the Hispanic culture and helping students from Hispanic nations adjust to school and life in the United States is a very important goal for Esmerlina Santana, a vice president for the Hollywood Hills Latinos in Action. She is involved in promoting events in the school that encourage students from the Hispanic community to feel accepted at Hollywood Hills High School.

“We perform cultural dances and invite students to have fun with us and learn about our culture,” said Santana.

Santana loves to help people and cares about her fellow students. “Latinos in Action is a big family and no one is counted out. We are here for each other.”

Santana and other Latinos in Action members tutor students at local elementary schools. They have tutored students at Davie Elementary, Stirling Elementary, Sheridan Hills Elementary and others. “We teach them to be better in reading and to participate in various activities. We talk with the elementary school students and help them feel accepted.”

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Esmerlina Santana and her Latinos in Action teacher Alexandra Ramos

Coming to the United States from another nation is hard. Santana knows, she emigrated from the Dominican Republic. “It was hard to adjust. I was shy. But I have overcome that and now I love being a leader in Latinos in Action.”

Alexandra Ramos, who teaches five Latinos in Action classes at Hollywood Hills is pleased to see Hispanic students succeeding at Hollywood Hills. “I to help the students prepare for college and career success.”

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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