“Latinos in Action” Truly In Action at Hollywood Hills High

Several students at Hollywood Hills High School who engage in the Latinos Taking Action initiative were actually born in different countries and arrived here without knowledge of the English language. Some were the initial American born offspring in their families. Irrespective of their histories, being part of this club gives them a sense of strength, and in return, they aspire to transmit that sense of empowerment to other Latino individuals in their educational institutions.

“We aim to empower Latin youth and establish a sense of community,” expressed Alexandra Ramos, who instructs two classes for students involved in Latinos Taking Action at Hollywood Hills High. “The students are motivated to engage in community assistance, and many progress to esteemed universities and flourish as accomplished professionals,” she proudly articulated.

The Hollywood Hills Latinos Taking Action students mentor younger peers at Stirling Elementary School and Davie Elementary School. Furthermore, they coordinate a beauty pageant during the spring season. Many of the students actively engaged in Latinos Taking Action state that it has benefited them on various fronts. They cherish the bonds they have formed within the organization.

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Leaders of Hollywood Hills Latinos Taking Action

“It aids in personal development. I have conquered my timidity and evolved into a more extroverted individual,” remarked Maylin Marcelo, the vice president of the organization. She has intentions of enrolling at Florida International University.

Jessenia Vazquez, the president of Latinos Taking Action, believes that she has prospered further through participation in the initiative. “It has assisted me in personal growth. I am not as reserved as I used to be. I enjoy engaging with all the peers in the club,” shared Vazquez. She aspires to pursue studies at Florida Atlantic University.

Alina Mejia, a fellow member, relished her engagement in the pageant last year. “It has aided in my personal development,” she affirms.

Latinos Taking Action keeps expanding as its participants exert themselves to nurture it.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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