Lifegaurd Towers Added to City Auction Underway Now; Closes Tuesday, March 17th

Lifegaurd Towers Added to City Auction Underway Now – Closes Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm

Police cars, pick-up trucks, bucket trucks, utility trucks, John Deere Gators, various types of trailers, pumps, tractors, golf carts and other miscellaneous vehicles are up for auction right now.

In addition to the 84 vehicles currently up for auction, 13 Hollywood Beach Lifeguard Towers have been added to the auction lot.

The units are sold “as is” and the purchaser is responsible for removal/relocation within 3 weeks. For the full list of unit details and requirements, please be sure to click on the “Lot Details” button when looking at the item. 

Lifegaurd Towers Added to City Auction Underway Now – Closes Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm
Lifegaurd Towers Added to City Auction Underway Now – Closes Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm

The City contracts with a company called “Bidera” to handle public auctions of surplus items. As part of their contract they inspect each item, write up a description, take detailed photographs and then host the auction. Hollywood is just one of many local municipalities to use the Bidera online auction site to sell surplus items with the goal of realizing the best possible price to the benefit of taxpayers.

The auction closes on Tuesday, March 17th, at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested can visit the auction site and submit a bid here:…/city-of-hollywood-surplus-auction

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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