Hollywood residents will soon see more bicycle and pedestrian lanes. The Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) is investing more than $300 million to create safer, healthier communities.
In partnership with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) the MPO is enhancing bicycle, pedestrian and public transportation access. The FDOT has begun work on a $3,049,774 Mobility Improvement Project. People can see the construction work taking place on South Park Road, 56th Avenue, Federal Highway and other locations.
The work includes the installation of bike lanes on Hollywood Boulevard and Park Road, adding shared lane pavement markings along 35th Ave, Polk Street, Rainbow Drive, Circle Drive, and Van Buren Street and the installation of sidewalks along Fillmore Street, Hollywood Boulevard, and the intersection of Polk Street and Van Buren at 24th Avenue.
There will also be the addition of mid-block crossing on Hollywood Boulevard, east of 28th Avenue, relocating existing water main lines on the north side of Hollywood Boulevard.
In addiiton, there will be the addition of french drains on Hollywood Boulevard between Academy Circle and 35th Avenue, and on Park Road between Washington Street and Johnson Street.