McArthur High School Chorus Strives to Impact Lives through Music

Mcarthur High School Chorus

The McArthur High School Chorus is offering students an opportunity to develop their singing talents and make lifelong friends. Last year members of the chorus sang at Carnegie Hall.

“Whether at school or away, the McArthur Chorus will demonstrate maturity and quality musicianship in its performances,” said Director Gerald Armbrister.

“I just like to sing and I enjoy being a part of the chorus,” said Abiel Rodriguez, president of the chorus.

Kimberly Noa, vice president of the chorus said, “I love singing and I am looking forward to the performances later this year.”

Members of the chorus participated in Mustangfest.

Gerald Armbrister, director of the chorus, is also looking forward to upcoming performances. “I love helping students develop their musical talents.”

Later in the school year, members of the McArthur chorus will travel to Atlanta to participate in a large music festival. To donate to the chorus, click here. For more information, email

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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