Medical marijuana on final approach to Hollywood


Hollywood is taking a proactive approach to determining where medical marijuana may be sold in the City (this also includes other cannabis-related products like CBD oil). During a recent meeting, the Hollywood Commission agreed to pass an ordinance on final reading that will allow two medical marijuana dispensaries in the City. The two retail locations must be located north of Sheridan Street and north of Griffin Road in industrial and manufacturing districts.

Under the regulations, medical marijuana dispensaries in Hollywood must be at least 1,000 feet away from day care centers, worship places, public parks and schools. They must be at least 500 feet away from pain management clinics, social service facilities, substance abuse and rehabilitation centers and pharmacies that are less than 9,000 square feet.

There was little discussion during the meeting, although one woman spoke and asked that the Commission consider allowing more medical marijuana dispensaries.

Commissioner Dick Blattner asked whether the City could make a change to the ordinance to allow more of the dispensaries. City Attorney Jeff Sheffel said the Commission could allow more of them if necessary. The City of Hollywood is waiting for the State of Florida to establish what guidelines must be followed regarding medical marijuana dispensaries.

At this time, the City is not issuing certificates of use for the medical marijuana retail locations. One applicant has come forward but that application has not been processed because the place where the applicant wanted to set up the dispensary was outside of the area where it would be allowed.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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