Mobile School Pantry to transform old school bus for food distribution to needy families

The Mobile School Pantry has acquired a school bus from Georgia to use in its mission to distribute food to needy families. The bus was recently on display at the organization’s Third Annual Just Say No to Hunger at Gallery 2014.

Mobile School Pantry has been distributing food to families at Stirling and Orange Brook Elementary Schools since 2013.

“We’ve taken the seats out and we’re preparing the bus so it can transport food,” said Zeina Zein-Wolland.

Mobile School Pantry received a $10,000 donation from the American Federation of Teachers and a $10,000 from AFSCME to make the purchase of the bus possible. The Broward Teachers Union paid to have the bus transported to Broward County. The bus cost $14,500 and the remaining money will be used to purchase food to be distributed to families they serve.


“It’s important that we provide fresh fruits and vegetables to needy families,” said Zein-Wolland.

Anna Fusco, president of the Broward Teachers Union is pleased to support the Mobile School Pantry. “In lower income areas, there are few stores that provide healthy food. If children eat healthy, they’ll do better in school,” said Fusco.

The event was fun and featured good food, live music and fellowship. And as an added bonus people could enjoy all the art on display at Gallery 2014.

Zein-Wolland hopes to develop her program further and expand it throughout South Florida.

MSP is reliant on community support, local farms, grocery stores and grant monies to fund the program, and are not government funded. Donations are also accepted from private individuals and establishments. For more information, call 954-297-4929 or visit
Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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