Much of Hollywood is shutting down

Much of Hollywood is shutting down because of coronavirus. Effective at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 18, 2020 in the City of Hollywood, the following closures are mandated through and including Thursday, April 16, 2020:

 Bars and Nightclubs

All bars, pubs, nightclubs, cocktail lounges, breweries, and taverns in the City of Hollywood closed at 5:00 p.m. on March 17 and must remain closed.


All restaurants, cafeterias, and other food service establishments must cease all on premise services. However, such establishments may continue to operate their kitchens for drive-thru, delivery, and curbside pick-up of food orders.

Other Businesses

All gyms, fitness centers, fitness studios, dance studios, and gymnasiums are closed. This does not apply to gyms or fitness centers that are an amenity of a hotel or office building and which have a capacity of 10 persons or less, or are an amenity of a residential building.

All dance halls, movie theaters, banquet halls, auditoriums, bowling alleys, video arcades and other like entertainment facilities and businesses, including but not limited to those contained within a hotel or other enclosed facility or structure, are closed.

Hollywood Beach, Broadwalk, Parks and Recreational Facilities

The Hollywood Beach and Broadwalk are closed to recreational activity. Access to the barrier island will be restricted to residents, business owners, business employees, hotel guests and patrons coming to pick up carry-out food orders from barrier island restaurants. All City community centers, parks and recreational facilities are closed. Public boat ramps at Holland Park will remain open, but the rest of the park will be closed down.

Additional Restrictions

All public gatherings of any type, whether organized or otherwise, or greater than 10 persons are prohibited. Grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores, banks, credit unions, financial institutions, hardware stores, auto supply stores, hospitals, healthcare and medical facilities, pharmacies, drug stores, medical supply stores and companies, land or facilities owned or managed by Broward County, the Broward County School Board, the South Broward Hospital District, the State of Florida, and the Federal Government are exempt from this regulation.

Public Access to City Hall and City Buildings

Customer Services Provided Online and By Phone

For the health and safety of our employees and residents, effective at 7:00 a.m. tomorrow, Thursday, March 19, 2020 and continuing through Friday, April 3, 2020, access to City Hall and City Buildings is not available to the public, however many services are available on a modified basis via telephone and online. The following City operations continue:

Public Safety and Emergency Services

Public Works/Sanitation Services

Public Utilities/Water and Wastewater Services

Customer Service (online and by phone)

Building Department Permitting and Inspection Services

Administration, City Attorney, City Clerk, Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance, Budget

Parks Maintenance & Security

Residents can access a number of services online or by calling the appropriate City Department, Office or Agency listed in the staff directory on the City’s website

If you have questions regarding the City’s COVID-19 emergency response, starting at 7:00 a.m. on March 19th, a special public information line will be staffed during normal business hours 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. You can reach this special public information line at 954.967.4362.

Cancellations of City Events and Programs

All City-sponsored events and other programming have been cancelled until further notice. This includes all City programming held indoors within Community Centers, including aftercare programs. All organized athletic leagues, games, races and tournaments held at City recreational facilities will be cancelled until further notice. 

For the latest status of City events and programming, and other programs offered throughout Broward County, please visit the City’s website.

Sun Shuttle

The Sun Shuttle micro transit system has been suspended until further notice. These measures are being put in place for the protection of the community, visitors, and employees to help slow the spread of COVID-19 and ensure the healthcare system is not overwhelmed.

The City of Hollywood is now issuing all Building Permits via the ePermit Online Service. Customers are encouraged to use the online system to submit, monitor, pay for building permits and schedule inspections. Hollywood customers can also apply and receive approvals for associated Broward County permits using the County’s ePermitOneStop online service.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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