Municipal News: March 2, 2020

Government News: Week of January 16th

Work is progressing on General Obligation Bond projects.

The Hollywood Commission agreed to a resolution allowing Adkins North America, Inc. to provide professional consulting services for the establishment of a traffic calming program in an amount not to exceed $119,993.

A part of the GO Bond was allocated for improvements to pedestrian safety, signage, and swale enhancements.

Work is proceeding on the Washington Street and 72nd Avenue Improvement Project.

During a recent Hollywood Commission meeting, a presentation was made on the progress of this project.

For 72nd Avenue, the project begins at Pembroke Road and extends 1.6 miles north to Johnson Street. A bicycle lane will be installed, the swales will be regraded and French drains will be installed. The road will be resurfaced and milled. One tree will be removed and 169 trees will remain.

The Washington Street part of the project runs 2.1 miles from Southwest 62nd Avenue to South Park Road. A bicycle lane will be installed and the swales will be regraded and French drains will be installed. The road will be resurfaced and milled. A lane will be eliminated and a center turning lane will be installed. A bus stop pad will be installed. About 78 trees will be removed and 166 trees will remain.

The budget for the project is $4,932,132. 

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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