North and South Lakes may become no anchor zones

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A number of Hollywood residents are concerned about boats anchored in North and South Lakes.

In North Lake, there are usually about 15 to 20 boats an anchor and in South Lake there are usually about two to four boats at anchor. There are no moorings there now but boats can drop anchor in these areas. Boaters can now anchor anywhere outside the Intracoastal channel.

The residents who attended a recent meeting at City Hall say they want the Lakes to become a recreation zone which would mean no boats could be anchored there.

Renee Richards-Lukehart, grants and special projects manager for Hollywood said it would take both local and state legislation to make this happen. The Lakes would have to be designated as a recreation zone on the city level and then the matter would have to approved by the state legislature.

“The Lakes would be reserved for activities such as water skiing and jet skiing and other water activities,” said Richards-Lukehart.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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