Port Everglades adds five berths for cargo ships

Port everglades southport adding berths

There are major new developments coming to Port Everglades, in which the planned expansion of the port will take place in Hollywood.

The Broward County Commission recently approved a $437.5 million contract with Moss/ Kiewit, a managing contractor for development of the Southport Turning Notch Expansion program at Port Everglades. The agreement will allow pre-construction to commence. This major development at the port will allow for five additional berths for cargo ships. In addition, the turn-around area for ships will be lengthened. There will be the installation of new crane rails to allow for larger cranes. The project will support more economic growth for the South Florida region. Work on the rails is scheduled to begin in October.

From the Port Everglades website:
The project consists of the landside infrastructure improvements to support the acquisition of up to five additional super post panama gantry cranes in Southport along Berths 31 and 32 as well as Berth 30.   Additionally, the project will include extending the existing 100′ gauge crane rails along Berth 30, westward to the limits of the new Southport Turning Notch Extension.
To support the new crane rails, the project also will provide for a new two-story switchgear and office building to be located just west of the current facility. The design for the new facilities was completed summer 2016 while the procurement of the construction manager is currently underway. (http://www.porteverglades.net/construction/marine-infrastructure-program/southport-turning-notch-extension/)

“This is a very significant development for Port Everglades,” said David Anderton, assistant director for Port Everglades. “We need more berths for cargo ships at the Port to support population growth in South Florida. We need more vessels to come to the Port to get cargo to consumers. With new and larger cranes, we will be able to service the larger vessels more quickly and get goods to consumers faster.”

Construction work on the port is expected to begin around June of 2018. The work will include adding the berthing spaces and dredging the port to make it deeper so it can handle larger container ships.

Anderton said the Port has been involved in a significant environmental project. About 70,000 mangroves were planted on 16.5 acres of land adjacent to a protected area of the Port.

This project means jobs for South Florida residents. The construction work will generate about 3,000 short term construction jobs. Once the work is complete, the enlarged Port will create about 5,000 direct and indirect jobs for area residents. “We are a huge economic  engine for South Florida and this expansion will mean more jobs for the area,” said Anderton.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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