Public meeting to discuss Regional Activity Center rezoning set for Sept. 6

Open to all Hollywood residents, City of Hollywood and the North Central Hollywood Civic Association (NCHCA) will be hosting a public meeting at 7 p.m. on Tues., Sept. 6th at Hollywood City Hall, 2600 Hollywood Boulevard, Room 219.

The NCHCA plans to provide information on proposed zoning changes for Hollywood’s Regional Activity Center (RAC) at the meeting.

The RAC land use designation goes to areas of regional importance that are appropriate for growth. The designation exists to encourage attractive and functional mixed use living, working, shopping, education and recreational activities.

Hollywood’s Regional Activity Center encompasses over 1,450 acres of land. The zone spans both the Federal and Dixie Highway Corridors from Sheridan Street to Pembroke Road, the Hollywood Boulevard Corridor from just east of Federal Highway to Interstate 95, and all of Downtown Hollywood. The area was designated a Regional Activity Center in 1990 and subsequently expanded in 2005. The current zoning does not match the previously established RAC Land Use designation.

Since 2014, City and CRA staff have hosted a series of public meetings to explain the rezoning process. Staff completed the proposed zoning code changes in early 2016.

For additional information, go to the “Hot Items” section of the City’s website, or contact Leslie Del Monte, Planning Division Manager at 954-921-3471.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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