Robert Runcie visits students on first day of school in Broward


The first day of school for Broward Public Schools was August 21 and teachers and students were excited to be back in the classrooms. Even students who may not enjoy the books were glad to be back with their friends. And everyone was talking about the

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Broward Schools Superintendent eats lunch with a student at Meadowbrook Elementary School and a school board member

eclipse that took place that day.

Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie visited some schools in Broward County. He ate lunch with a group of younger students at Meadowbrook Elementary and was joined there by some Broward County School Board members.

“We are excited about the first day of school,” said Runcie. “We have new academic programs and are adding interesting programs to the schools.”

Runcie is pleased that more schools are adding Cambridge programs. And more schools are developing debate programs. A number of schools are adding duel language programs. There is a strong emphasis on reading in the early grades and the district is placing about 850,000 books in classrooms for younger students. There are also more schools adding courses on computer coding and robotics.

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Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie with some members of the Broward County School Board. Here he is at Meadowbrook Elementary School in Fort Lauderdale. He visited a number of Broward County Schools on August 21, the first day of school.

“It is most important to give these kids hope. I want them to have as many learning opportunities as possible. I believe in the importance of education,” he said.

At Meadowbrook he enjoyed the chance to actually sit down with some young children and eat lunch with them. He related well to them and they had a pleasant conversation.

School Board member Robin Bartleman said she was glad that school was getting off to a good start. “I want to make sure that children get the best education possible. I want to make sure they are well cared for and have opportunities to learn,” she said.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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