The South Broward High School Wind Symphony Band will travel by train to New York City to perform at Carnegie Hall in April 2017. The band will leave early in the morning on April 12 and return April 17. Band members hope to raise $120,000 to pay for the costs of the trip.
The train ride will be straight through and will accommodate everything so the group won’t have to stop for bathroom breaks or eating. The band has already done some fundraising, such as holding car washes and dinners at Tijuana Flats, and it is selling T-shirts at home football games as well as coupon books and Domino’s Pizza cards. Band members plan more fundraising events, including more car washes and an alumni breakfast at the school on Nov. 3, which is $25 per person.
Iris Connery, band booster president for the South Broward High School band, said she believes this trip is important. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the students, some of whom may want to become music majors. I am honored because my daughter Colleen was selected to be part of this band and she is a sophomore,” Connery said.
To donate to the group’s efforts, visit the South Broward High School website at or the marching band’s site at and look for donations to the Carnegie Hall trip. People can donate various amounts ranging from $10 to $10,000. For more information on the alumni breakfast, call Katrina Brickley at (754) 323-1812.
The South Broward High School Marching Band also has a big goal in its future: Members will travel to London in December 2017. The band wants to raise $350,000 so that about 125 members can perform in London’s New Year’s Day Parade. “This will be a major event for our band. They will be marching in front of the Queen,” Connery said.
For additional information or details, contact: Ashley Lehman – Logistics Coordinator at 754-323-1800 ext. 5563095 or email