On Wednesday March 4, 2020, at approximately 9:30 am. the Hollywood Police School Resource Officer assigned to South Broward High School detained and arrested a student for possession of a firearm on school property.
On the morning of March 4th a student at South Broward High School became aware of a possible student who was in possession of a firearm. It is unknown how or when this student became aware of the firearm, yet that student immediately notified a school official. That Official then immediately notified the School Resource Officer.
After receiving news of the firearm, the School Resource Officer obtained information on the student’s location. In an effort to keep a calm atmosphere and not alarm the suspect, the School Resource Officer decided not to initiate a color code or put the school on lockdown. Instead, the School Resource Officer took immediate action, and surprised the suspect in his classroom, where he was taken into custody safely and without incident. Further investigation revealed the suspect to have a loaded firearm in his backpack.