SPARK Hollywood, a part of the Greater Hollywood Chamber of Commerce Leadership Hollywood program, hosted a Start-Up Pitch competition at the Hollywood ArtsPark – Visual Arts Pavilion and Gallery on May 11.
The competition was similar to the hit TV show Shark Tank where business owners with a new concept and a need for support pitch their ideas to a panel and if successful receive some money. A number of businesses applied to be a part of the show and the field was narrowed to a few finalists.
Caribu, which offers an educational platform using an app that allows parents to read to their children if they must be away received first place and $2,500. “We want to help parents who must be apart from their children to be able to read to them and help them with their homework,” said Maxeme Tuchman, the head of Caribu.
SettleIt Soft
Settleitsoft (SettleiTsoft) won second place and $1,000. This company’s concept is to get debtors and creditors to sit down and work out solutions to debt problems in a friendly way. “We want to establish a channel so that people can settle their debts,” said Antonio Garcia, CEO.
RecordGram took third place and received $500. The company offers a studio and social network app that allows one to record songs, shoot videos and share the artistic work immediately. “We have entered similar contests and we are growing our company,” said Erik Mendelson, CEO. “We enjoyed being a part of this event.”
While the program involved a competition, it was also a fun social occasion. People had the chance to spend time with friends, network and make new friends. This event was sponsored by CVS Hollywood FL Pharmacy on Hollywood blvd.