Summer Camp Season is Back!

Hollywood children enjoy summer camp

Hollywood children are enjoying camps throughout the city! One popular camp located at the Washington Park Community Center is in full swing.

At the camp, children can enjoy a wide variety of fun activities, while focusing on academic work. For two hours each morning, licensed teachers instruct the students on science, math, and language arts.

Then in the afternoon, the children have an opportunity to play team sports such as basketball, soccer, flag football, handball, kickball, and ultimate frisbee. The children are also learning to swim, and are learning to play golf through Hollywood’s Diamonds in the Rough.

Art projects, talent shows, and in house field trips are also part of the agenda! Recently, an exotic animal presentation “wowed” the students with a live python. A Marlins’ game is next on the schedule. But, more importantly, parents can be assured that their children will receive breakfast, lunch, and snacks.

“This camp is good for children. They keep up with their academic work in the morning and they can enjoy sports and games,” said Aswad London, coordinator at Washington Park.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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