Summer Camp Season Returns to the YMCA

Hollywood ymca summer camp

Summer camp season is in full bloom at the Greater Hollywood YMCA Family Center. Campers can enjoy a wide variety of activities, ranging from sports to arts and crafts.

During the day, many children enjoy swimming, playing basketball, or simply spending time with friends. Sometimes the camp leaders even come up with new games for the children to play, like sharks and minnows.

Children with a strong interest in basketball can participate in a two week camp that includes traveling to the nearby YMCAs in Pembroke Pine and Weston for games.

Sports and fitness are important at the YMCA; however, so are core values such as respect, responsibility, and honesty. The YMCA focuses on leading a healthy and well rounded lifestyle.

“We have the best camp and we have fun,” said Jaylen White, summer camp director. “We care about the children and we want them to be in a safe environment.”

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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