You’ve heard about cops and body cams—well, how about a detective with
directorial experience—a filmmaker, right here in Hollywood!
Detective Nick Patriarca has been working for the Hollywood PD since
2002. But his love for filmmaking goes back to his youth. Apparently, his
infatuation with film began when Nick was 12-years old—a home camera the source
of his curiosity.
Nick’s fate was sealed, however, during his junior year in high-school,
when a field trip found his class at the NBC studios in New York City.
“The entire production process had me hooked,” Nick says.
Desiring to pursue his dream and knowing a college education would be in
the cards, Nick enlisted in the Army so he could benefit from the GI Bill. Not
ironically, he spent his 3-year stint as a Communications Specialist.
After the army, Nick entered a Community College, majoring in Television
Production. Shortly thereafter, he transferred to a SUNY affiliate which
offered a better, more comprehensive program.
“When I graduated, I worked on some Indie films and engaged in some
personal production work. Eventually, I caught on with a production company in
New Jersey.
“The company I was working for was planning to relocate to Bocca Raton
and I was willing and wanting to make the move. At the last minute they pulled
the plug—but I moved nonetheless. Florida is where I wanted to be. And it paid
off. I quickly found work with a production company in Dania Beach.”
Married and with a host of responsibilities, Nick decided to go back to
school. He enrolled in Kaiser College, studying radiology technology.
“I went from shooting exteriors to interiors,” Nick laughs, referring to
the X-Ray imaging that occupied the next 8-years of his life.
Once again restless and feeling he’d gone as far as he could; Nick began
seeking out further options. An in-law, in law enforcement, suggested police
work and invited Nick for a ride-along.
“Instant adrenalin rush,” Nick recalls. “I took the tests, did the
training and was hired by the Hollywood Police Department.”
Nick has seen Hollywood both blossom and wilt.
“In the mid 2000’s Hollywood
seemed to be on the verge of a breakthrough, but the manifestation was never
complete. Today, however, I sense a renaissance, a reemergence—I think it’ll
stick this time around.”
While still a detective with the force, Nick is also the man behind Midnight
Motion Pictures (he’s a writer, director and cinematographer).
Nick is currently producing two films, “The Rainhill Disappearance” and
“Second Chance”—both being shot locally—utilizing local talent and crews.
All I gotta say, is here’s to Nick Patriarca—a fella who keeps us safe
and entertained at the same time…
second photo is a still from Nick’s film “Second Chance”)