recently met up with New York expat and current Hollywood resident/artist
Angela Feyeux. Angela was quick to remind me we’d actually run into one another
while dumpster-diving for collectibles on Hollywood Blvd two years ago—I
reckoned that sounded about right…
any event Angela aka “The Naked Eye” has quite the art pedigree—The NYC School
of Visual Arts, a Masters in Art Education and years of teaching art in public
works in multiple mediums—but I consider collage and photography to be her
bailiwick. Her Facebook Page “Humans of Hollywood Florida” is a must view and
she’s working on a similar series titled “At A Red Light” (think of an
impatient New Yorker halted by a traffic signal with a camera at the ready).
is looking to host a pop-up exhibit at her Hollywood home sometime in January
2017 (I promise to keep you posted!)…