Angela Nguyen is one of the top academic seniors at Hollywood Hills High School. She graduated with a 4.7 grade point average and was a vice president in the Key Club and the National Honor Society.
“I enjoy math and I like working with numbers,” said Nguyen.
In the fall Nguyen will focus on biochemistry. Her goals are to go to medical school and become an OB-GYN, so she may specialize in prenatal care.
Nguyen is dedicated to service projects. Throughout her high school experience, she worked with the Angel Tree program, the Key Club, and other projects.
Yelisbeth Montero is another high achieving Hollywood Hills student. She was the vice president of Florida Future Educators of America at Hollywood Hills and actively worked with elementary school students.
“We learned about education. The best part was tutoring children at Stirling Elementary School. I enjoyed helping children,” she said.
Fellow student, Abigaelle Paul has also found success at Hollywood Hills. She was a driven member of the Entrepreneur and Leadership Military Academy at Hollywood Hills and also studied at Sheridan Technical College. Next fall, she will study at Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea.
Impressively, Paul completed 1,081 hours of community service. She also competed as an athlete on the wrestling team, the lacrosse team, and the cheerleading team. Paul also wrote a book entitled “Only You” and was a member of the Student Government Association.
“In the Military Academy, I took AP classes, it was a very challenging. I want to study International Relations and Asian studies,” said Paul.
And last but not least, Anyel Cornielle is another promising Hollywood Hills High School graduate. He completed over 1,750 service hours and dedicated his time to community service. “I enjoy helping others,” he said.