Walk 2 Stop Hunger set for March 6 to benefit Jubilee Center of Broward

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Jubilee Center of Broward offers emergency resources and relief from hunger and despair to meet the needs of Broward County residents.  

One of the center’s four annual fundraising events, Walk 2 Stop Hunger will be held Sunday, March 6, 2016, at St. John’s Episcopal Church, located at 1704 Buchanan Street in Hollywood.

The Jubilee Center has been hosting community events since the early 90s and have been meeting the needs of the hungry for more than 25 years. Serving nearly 3,000 hot meals every month (close to 35,000 a year) the need for your help is even greater now.

Sponsorships are a critical part of Walk 2 Stop Hunger and provide an opportunity for your organization to support people in need while gaining visibility for your company.  The deadline for sponsors is February 19.

All walkers will receive a t-shirt and lunch in exchange for their donations and participation.  In addition to being a sponsor, you and/or your company can also organize a team of walkers to raise money – which is a wonderful opportunity for team-building and community relations. It’s a win-win partnership.

“People are welcome to cheer us on at St. John’s Episcopal Church and on the route around Hollywood Golf Course,” says Joyce Burney, Hunger Walk Committee Chair.  “Our goal is 200 walkers and a huge pyramid of donated food.”

The walk starts at 3 pm, so come with your walking shoes, recruits, family, friends and a minimum of two cans of food to help them build the biggest food pyramid!

Local dignitaries are always invited and be sure to look for The Hollywood Women’s Club providing a water stop to keep everyone hydrated.

For pledge sheets, sponsorship and more information, please contact the Jubilee Center at (954) 920-0106 or  email: jubileehwd@hotmail.com. You can also visit their website at www.jubileecenterbroward.org and like them on Facebook.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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