Waste Pro Offers New Rewards Program for Active Recyclers

Waste Pro Offers New Rewards Program for Active Recyclers

By being an active recycler you now gain access to thousands of rewards, as well as the ability to enter into monthly gift card drawings. The new Waste Pro Rewards recycling incentive program benefits residents with discounts to local and national businesses for their curbside recycling efforts.

To register for your free rewards account, visit www.WasteProRewards.com, and select Hollywood from the community options then follow the prompts to activate your account.

For account activation assistance, please call 1.888.234.8211.

Registered accounts will receive an RFID sticker in the mail to be placed on your recycling bin. Each time you place your recycling cart out for collection the sticker will be automatically scanned to record your recycling activity.

Scans will be uploaded weekly to your account with each collection earning 25 points with can be redeemed for a variety of rewards.  

For active members with points from the City’s previous rewards program, your accrued points will automatically be rolled over to the new Waste Pro Rewards account, and will be immediately available for use.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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