Members of the Hollywood Hills High School’s Women of Tomorrow program are continuing to succeed.
Member, Taylor Perez, is the president of the Student Government Association at Hollywood Hills. “We lead school spirit and we do chants. We also have leadership classes and leadership workshops,” said Perez.
Hollywood Commissioner, Caryl Shuham is a committed mentor in the organization.
“I love working with Women of Tomorrow. I meet with them monthly and I bring in professional women. I arrange to bring speakers who can advise them and teach them about life after high school. I tell them to make sure they are sticking with their school work,” said Shuham.
The Women of Tomorrow members seem to have taken Shuham’s words to heart. Many are taking on multiple leadership roles at school and in the community. A current member, Samantha Plotner, serves as a board member of Kidz 4 A Cure, a member of Spartan Television, and a vice president of the Spartan Literacy Society.
“I am most proud of my work with Kidz 4 A Cure. We deliver presents to the children before Christmas. I have been active since I was in the first grade and I love helping the children,” said Plotner.
Another member, Adrianna Pierre, is the founding president of the Fashion Club. She is a leader at Spartan Television and a member of the Student Government Association.
“I enjoyed starting the Fashion Club. We are showing students how to sew. I also enjoy working with television,” she said.