Work Continues on Hollywood’s Public Safety, Parks and Recreation and Neighborhood Improvements with GO Bond Funding

Work continues on Hollywood General Obligation Bond projects

Work is continuing Hollywood General Obligation Bond projects.

A presentation on project updates was made during a recent Commission meeting which was held online.

Funding for the first phase of the project, $70 million was issued in September and funding for the second phase, $95 million will be issued in 2021. The GO Bond will address public safety, parks and recreation and neighborhood improvements.

A major item is the new police headquarters. It will include 120,000 square feet with two or three floors. There will be a parking garage with spaces for 350 to 450 vehicles and a new entry road including utilities and landscaping. Preliminary work is taking place on this project.

The Hollywood Fire Rescue and Beach Safety Department is receiving some large items. Two new fire engines are now under construction and should be complete in May. Fire engines are custom built. Two new rescue units are also being built and will be delivered in July. There is an aerial platform apparatus that will be delivered in September. A battalion chief’s vehicle has been delivered.

Other areas include the undergrounding of utilities at North Beach. This involves road modifications to accommodate the equipment for the project and to replace roadway lighting.

Another large project is the tidal flooding mitigation shoreline project. This involves improvements to existing sea wall. City leaders are in the process of selecting an engineering firm for the project.

Work is also taking place at city parks. Playground equipment is being installed and fields are being improved.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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