Work on A1A from Sheridan St. to Hollywood Blvd. to begin in 2017

In an effort to address concerns regarding the reduction of traffic lanes on A1A near Hollywood Beach, the Hollywood Beach Civic Association (HBCA) hosted a meeting where representatives from the Hollywood CRA, Kimley-Horn & Associates and the Florida Department of Transportation gave a presentation on the planned reconfiguration of State Road AIA Ocean Dr.

Plans call for improvements on AIA from Hollywood Boulevard north to Sheridan Street and work is expected to begin in the summer of 2017.

Plans call for the redesign of AIA which will include a four and five lane hybrid design.

Jorge Camejo, executive director of the Hollywood CRA said he is looking forward to working with the FDOT to make the project reality.  Camejo had reassured the HBCA in April that “there will not be any section of A1A between Hollywood Blvd. and Sheridan St. that will be reduced to three lanes.”

Electric lines that are now above ground will be buried and a traffic calming device will be installed. The complete streets approach will be utilized adding wider sidewalks and landscaping improvements.

A major aspect of the project involves resurfacing, restoring and the rehabilitation of AIA.  Andrew Zullo, president of the Hollywood Beach Civic Association is in favor of the project. “I think this is a great opportunity to improve AIA to be more pedestrian friendly,” he said.

Commissioner Richard Blattner was also pleased by what he saw. “I love this project. It makes sense and it will mean more development and improve a blighted area. It will make the neighborhood more beautiful,” he said. 

Betsy Jeffers, an engineer with FDOT was available to answer questions or address concerns from the attendees about the length of time of the project and how it would affect residents who live in the area.

Picture of Author: Amanda Jones
Author: Amanda Jones

Amanda Jones specializes in content marketing. She holds a Master's degree in Marketing Management from the University of Florida and a Content Manager Professional Certificate from the University of Miami.


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